Google Chrome Console API — It is more than console.log

@Anil's Notes
4 min readDec 20, 2022

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As web developers, Google Chrome DevTools/Console is one of our favorite places. We tend to just use a console.log() function, which is a well-known javascript function, however, there are other interesting functions in Console API.

Chrome console has two main uses:

  1. To view logged messages: We developers use Console API to log messages and debug their code. Most of the popular browsers include a console.
  2. Running JavaScript: The console is also a REPL (Read eval print loop) i.e. you can run JavaScript in the console to interact with the page you are inspecting upon.

How to open the Google Chrome console?

Open your favorite website in your Chrome browser and press the following keys.

Chrome (Windows) -> CTRL + SHIFT + J
Chrome (Mac) -> CMD + SHIFT + J

The console object provides access to the browser debugging console.

Console Logging

console.log(): For logging general output log. For informational output log.

console.debug(): Identical to console.log but a different log level appears in the verbose tab under the console sidebar.

console.warn(): Displays a warning message on the console.

console.error(): Displays an error message on the console.

console.log("Hello World!")"This is an informational message")
console.debug("This is an debug message")
console.warn("This is an warning message")
console.error("This is an error message")
Console Logging output

Console Log Variables

You can define a variable, log the contents of a JavaScript variable and use it in the console logs.

let counter = 0;
Console Log Variables output

Write an object or array to console

Generally, web developers use console.log to write an object/array to the console, it displays the contents as JSON. There is a more friendly way of using the tabular format.

console.table(): This method creates a table from the object or array. The table’s first column will be the index and the values will be indices or arrays or values of the object (as shown below)

let employees = [{name: "Tom", age:"21", title: "Engineer"}, {name: "Brad", age:"23", title: "Sr. Engineer"}]
console.table(array) output
let employee = {name: "Tom", age:"21", title: "Engineer"};
console.table(obj) output

Clear Console

console.clear(): Used to clear the console.

console.clear() output

Passing parameters

Use substitutions to pass parameters in the message

%s: String

%d: Integer

%o: Object

%f: Float

console.log("Hello %s", "World!")
console.log("Hello World %d", 2022)
console.log("Hello World %o", {"name":"foobar"})
console.log("Hello World, The price is %f", 12.20)
Passing parameters output

Grouping console messages : Allows you to start a group to log messages.
console.groupCollapsed(): Enables you to start a collapsed group.
console.groupEnd(): Ends the current group. 
console.log("started application")
console.groupCollapsed("External API call")
console.log("setup outbound attributes")
console.log("External API succesfully invoked")
console.log("loaded application")
Grouping console messages


console.time(arg): Starts a new timer, it accepts an optional label you can use to define a name.

console.timeEnd(arg): Ends the timer

for (i=0;i<=10;i++){
let foobar = i*2;
Timers output

Custom CSS in the console

This is a bit geeky but you can do it. You can use CSS format specifier %c

%c: Applies CSS style rules to the output string as specified by the second parameter

console.log("%cGreen text", "color:green");
console.log("%cBlue text", "color:#3AAFB9");
console.log("%cYellow text", "color:yellow");
console.log("%cRed text", "color:red");
Add CSS color to console output

You can also apply font sizes and families and other styles as follows

console.log("%cGreen text", "color:green; font-family:verdana; font-size:26px");
console.log("%cBlue text", "color:#3AAFB9 font-family:sans-serif; font-size:32px");
console.log("%cYellow text", "color:yellow");
console.log("%cRed text", "color:red");
Add CSS font family, color, and sizes output

You can read additional Console functions/methods on Google Chrome developer's website

@Anil's Notes
@Anil's Notes

Written by @Anil's Notes

Thoughts I add here are my personal notes and learnings only

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